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"I've been waiting for summertime to come, walk on beaches, lying in the sun" Aqua
2009-09-29, 12:53 p.m.

So I wake up a little late today, do my cat stretch, and reluctantly roll out of bed after figuring hitting the snooze button for the 16th time was probably not a good idea (that's an exact count). I put on my morning jam, dress up, make my ritual morning shake, pack my lunch, hair, contacts, teeth, bed done, keys (where the fuck did I put them?), shoes (I really, really need to dump these converse, so many holes), grab a clip for my hair, gym bag packed? Great, ready to go.
I unlock my door, blow kisses to my boys, and step out into the bright sun, ready to be greeted by the warm, pleasant heat of the morning.
I turn to lock my door, and notice something is terribly wrong. For about 10 seconds I have trouble putting my finger on it, but as a slight breeze plays through my locks, cooling the nape of my neck, I realize with a horrifying shock what it is . . .

It's cold out.

Summer is officially over! Where did it go? I didn't make it to a proper beach yet! I haven't had more than one snowball, and I haven't gone to Baskin Robbins $1 cones Tuesdays!!! I'm not ready for fall yet!

I make it to school, thinking by the time afternoon hits, it'll be warmer. Maybe , my afternoon thaw will be an enduring ritual for just a little bit longer. You see, my building is kept so damn cold, I have to step outside every once and awhile to defrost, because then I just start shivering and I can't think straight.

I step out exactly 20 minutes ago, and the temperature outside does NOTHING for the pervasive freeze that's paralyzed all of my limbs.

In an attempt to hold on to summer for just a bit longer, and in an attempt to thaw my psyche if not my body, I thought I'd post a little bit of Aqua.

I enjoy changing seasons, and all the things that come with the changing seasons (hot chocolate! Fall jackets!) but I think my favorite feeling (after being covered in just-out-of-the-dryer laundry) is walking out of a cold building into the warm embrace of summer, and of course there's the smell of pools and sunscreen lotion, summertime ice teas, and warm grass. I definitely miss those things the most.

Much love
