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"Gotta promise not to stop when I say when" Foo fighters
2009-12-27, 7:40 p.m.

So I ran across this blog the other day on diaryland titled "Puppet Talk" or something to that effect, where the individual posted things that her sister had said in each blog. It was hilarious, and unfortunately I'm having trouble finding it again. However, as tribute, I offer a text convo my sister and I had today- others with sisters will appreciate just how insane sisterly conversations can get. Out of context, even more funny.

My sister: "Help! I'm about to do something stupid"
Me: *throws rope and reels sister in"
Sister: What happens after that?
Me: Oh sorry, *slaps sister and tells her to snap out of it*
Sister: Yeah- thanks. Quick, Joke!!
Me; What do you call my cheese??
Sister: Ummmm?
Me: Na-cho cheese!!! Get it?? Omg, so funny.
Sister: You are such a big loser
Me: Yes, this is true. But I rather be a big loser and keep my cheesy (pun intended) one liners, than be cool without them
Sister; lol. I totally agree.
Me; Of course you agree, you'd miss my loserishness more than I would.

(commence series of serious things said by my sister, to which I respond with general head nods and variations on the word "yes" such as "yup" and "ya" and "yea" - amazing how many of those there are)

Man I love having sisters.

Another funny thing a younger sister said to me the other day?

Me: Manar, quit being annoying or I'm going to kick your butt half way to Timbuktu (a phrase I often say)
Manar: Why do you always say that? Why can't you just kick it ALL the way??

A conversation with my 10 yr old sister. Took them to sonic, which apparently reminded her that I'm impervious to brain freeze. The car is silent, and all of a sudden she says
"I think I know why you and Fedora never get brain freezes. It's cause your brains are so big that the cold can't reach all of it fast enough"
To which I respond- "Yes, very good, that is exactly why."

I could literally do this all day. Oooh, another favorite?

On the phone with Manar again, and I ask her what she's up to, to which she responds. "I'm watching Food network."
me: "Really? Food network? It's not boring?"
Manar: No, it's got two of my favorite things. TV, and food. You put TV and Food together, and you have another favorite thing- food network.
