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"But the more know the less I try" Tegan and Sarah
2009-10-19, 10:43 p.m.

Random fact about me- I don't usually wear matching socks. Two reasons. I hate trying to find the pairs in all my laundry. It takes me a good week to get all my loads through the wash mostly because I HATE folding and putting away clothes, and that mostly because I have no space to put clothes in.

Second reason- it's boring. For example, currently my left sock is black and gray argyle, and my right sock is blue with gray and white polka dots. This means as I'm sitting here typing this, considering usually both my feet are on my chair when I'm writing, I can see a gray argyle sock out of my right eye, and blue with white and gray polka dots in my left line of sight. Fun.

So I'm done with finals. Not done with work. Still even have some HW to do tonight. But done with finals. Well, they're not finals, they're midterms really. It's been an incredibly incredibly rough week on so many levels. I countered that today with half a pizza (from Naked Pizza, good stuff) and a movie (Adventureland, mediocre. It was eh. I'm getting really sick of Kristen Stewart).

You know, I can't remember if I posted this in an earlier entry, but activism is really lonely work. Some people get so turned off by those who do activist work. It grates on some core nerve, kind of like when people find out I'm a vegetarian. Usually they can't explain why, and if they try to, it's usually some half-caulked story of "well, your poster doesn't do anything." You're absolutely right, my poster doesn't do shit. But try 50 people's posters. Sit-ins, direct action. I'm not saying every cause is a just cause, but everyone has the right to be heard.
I just feel kind of lonely with it sometimes, especially in academia. People think it's cool, but they look at you a bit warily. In all honesty I look at some activists a bit warily as well. There's some real weirdo's out there (I can't tell you how many times some speech involving a concluding statement with the word "comrade" tries to sneak into completely unrelated activist events. So annoying.) But there's also some pretty amazing people. You know, kind of like Obama, who was a grassroots organizer back in his day.

Last point of the day, there's this great bumper sticker I heard about the other day
"The more you know, the less you need"
