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2009-10-19, 11:12 p.m.

I just had to post it because it seemed kind of relevant to my earlier post. This is a skype message I had with a friend of mine today (name was changed to conceal identity of said friend)

[11:11:22 PM] MCA: yep!
[11:11:33 PM] MCA: but I�m telling you
[11:11:37 PM] MCA: nothing new
[11:11:39 PM] MCA: the same guys
[11:11:46 PM] MCA: the same things
[11:11:52 PM] MCA: one sexfriend
[11:11:57 PM] MCA: and one best friend
[11:12:00 PM] Shereen Naser: awesome
[11:12:01 PM] CMA: and that�s it!
[11:12:04 PM] Shereen Naser: best of both worlds then

I just thought that was too funny.
