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"Yo I got that hit that beat the block , . . the digital spit, next level visual shit, I got that boom boom pow" Black Eyed Peas
2009-09-19, 2:03 p.m.

Instead of working on my thesis as I'm supposed to be doing at this moment, I'm goofing off by blogging. Gotta love distraction.
I promised to post this article in my last entry, so here it is.


Its not all that wonderfully written, actually it's not really that interesting- the only important part was the note that you can only get 'empty bed syndrome' if you've previously experienced a full bed (aw, cute baby outside the library window! He's got curly hair and he's like 2 feet tall!)

I can't say that I've never had a full bed (sharing a twin with another body is actually really nice- also noted in the article), but like the author noted, "the intimacy was never there." Therefore, I posit that empty bed syndrome is a product of intimately (sexually) sharing bed space and experiencing positive reinforcement as a result. Therefore, I'm holding out not for God, (cause I highly doubt he cares)but rather until I can decrease the probability of empty bed syndrome to something statistically significant, of course I can settle arbitrarily on an alpha of .05 for you stat nerds (which might only be me). Anyways, I thought the article was an interesting perspective. I've actually seen that exact same scenario happen to several friends of mine first hand, and I admire them for being able to deal with the situation and move on. I figure though if I can avoid it I rather do that.

The training on Friday was really interesting. It took place in Monroe, Louisiana, a small town on the border of Arkansas and LA, 5 hrs north of New Orleans (most of which is spent driving through Mississippi). I felt like I was in a time warp there. All the other attendants were local school personnel, and they looked like they were permanently stuck in the early 90's. It was incredible. The accents were fun too. The topic was school crises intervention, and I really enjoyed listening to all the suggestions and the stories these school staff members shared (mostly AP's) about how they dealt with school shootings/bomb threats, evacuations, etc.

Also suffering a terrible bout of congestion due to allergies. Had to take a few boxes of kleenex with me. Felt (feel) so completely gross.

Back to my thesis!
