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survey of some sort from an email . .
2008-04-27, 10:33 p.m.

On Sat, Apr 26, 2008 at 10:51 PM, Stefanie Vermillion wrote:

32. What is your full name? Shereen Christina Naser

31. What are you listening to right now? Silence. Isn't that strange?

34. What was the last thing you ate? A cookie from Taiwan!

35. Do you ever wish on stars? when i have time. . .

36. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Some deep dark royal purple.

38. Last person you spoke to on the phone? my ex-boss (as of yesterday)

39. Favorite soft drink? ew. softdrinks make my throat tingle in a really weird way, and makes my tongue feel all numbish.

40. Favorite restaurant? Tamnak thai or Golden Boy Pizza

41. Hair color? dark brown. dark enough to look like it should be black, but glints red in the sunlight.

42. What was your favorite toy as a child? paper and color pencils.

43. Summer or winter? summer. " Oh summer in the city means cleavage cleavage cleavage" regina spektor

44. Hugs or kisses? Big huge hugs.

45. Chocolate or Vanilla? vanilla, unless I'm craving chocolate.

46. Coffee or tea? Tea. My stomach goes to war with high doses of caffeine and it's never pleasant.

47. Do you want your friends to email you back? por favor

48. When was the last time you cried? today actually. I've become such a big crier. it's pathetic!

49. What is under your bed? The frame for my diploma, a curriculum set for elementary children, winter slippers and probably clothes I was too lazy to put away and that slipped into the crack between my bed and the wall, and through all my night wiggling made it's way under my bed to join the ranks of forgotten and misplaced objects that will soon be forgotten because it takes too much effort to look for them . . .

50. What did you do last night? I had a going away part at work since it was my last day. I got so much money, and so many hugs and everyone was crying and I felt so so so loved. It was wonderful. I even got a card where one of my high schoolers said they didn't think they could do something, but my believing in them helped them to succeed. That just did it for me. I started crying like a baby. It has always been my dream to inspire my students to greatness. And my fellow staff too. Yesterday night I had a talk with one of my fellow staff members who is still a senior in high school, and she told me that for her school hero project she talked about me. How fucking amazing is that? I never though I'd be anyone's hero, much less a fellow coworker, but it was so amazing to know that I can leave my job of five years, knowing I did SOMETHING right. Somedays it just felt like I was playing the big bad wolf, that I was doing everything wrong, and all those lectures to students made them hate me. But another student actually wrote in a card to THANK me for convincing them to stay with Kumon, one of my parents started crying. Yesterday after everyone had left, I took a final look around the center and just started crying. I'm so ready to move on, but it was an absolutely amazing journey.

51. What are you afraid of? drowning and putting on my shoes only to discover my toes are cohabiting with a roach of some sort.

52. Salty or sweet? salty. Crackers. I love salty crackers.

53. How many keys on your key ring? 3.

54. How many years at your current job? 5. see above tangent.

55. Favorite day of the week? Sunday

56. How many towns have you lived in? 3

57. Do you make friends easily? sure. I have this knack for getting to know people that I will probably get along with.

59. How many will respond? that's the great mystery of it all, right. I haven't done one of these in a long time, myself.


"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." Stephen Hawking
