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"I;ve taken all my pills, but I'm still not sleepy, tried to trick myself, into thinking, that I'm not awake" gary jules
2008-04-24, 10:58 p.m.

I have to apologize profusely for my recent lack of entries. I've been BEYOND busy. These past few weeks have been filled TO THE BRIM. I barely have any time left for PSC or really anything for that matter. My poster session is next week (wed. from 1:00-3:00. In the SEAY building. Please come! I'll be wearing a suit!). I had a major test today that was actually fun studying for, and I've been BEYOND sick. I VERY STUPIDLY took two codines on Monday RIGHT after I'd taken two tylenols. Keep in mind that I've been sick, I was getting cramps which is why I took the tylenol, and I forgot that I'd just taken them so I took two codine, and all this on an empty stomach. By the time I was done with that, I was in bed, and every time I stood up I threw up, and when I was laying down I felt like I was going to die. This and I had a test to study for.

SO needless to say things have not been peachy over here (physically at least) but the good news is my uncle's probably going to get married sometime in the near future, I only have two weeks left until I graduate andndndnd I got new chicks!

That's all really.
You know I had so many deep and wonderful things I was thinking about writing but they all got jumbled up and ran away before I could get them down. Stupid things. So flighty.

Next time!

Much love.

I've taken all my pills
But I'm still not sleepy
Tried to trick myself into thinking
That I'm not awake
