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"The world spins madly on"
2007-12-27, 12:15 a.m.

I'm getting sick I think. My nose is stuffy, my head heavy. All those warning signs that you may very well be confined to bed the next three days, if you're lucky. If you're not lucky you'll be sick and have to carry on as usual. That sucks the worst. My hope is to get just sick enough to have a really good excuse for not leaving my bed, but not so sick that I won't be able to work on my research proposal that I need to send out by Jan. the second. I can hope, right?

Yesterday I went to go see my baby sisters in the hospital (I don't remember if I said or not, but my mom had the babies on the 14th and they were 2 and a half months premature, so they're still in the hospital) and it was just so heart wrenching to see something so little and helpless. I didn't want to touch them because they looked so fragile, and I was so afraid I'd break them or something. They're that small.
But they're adorable and the nurses keep talking about how fiesty they are, so I know they're truly my sisters.
Speaking of sisters, I just spent two hours playing monopoly and i totally kicked ass. I had all the yellow properties and had three houses on each!

Well I'm out. much love!
