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"Build a wall of books between us in our bed, repeat, repeat repeat the words I know we both said, relax into the need, we get so comfortable, remember when i was so strangely likable" Tegan and Sara's Back Into Your Head
2007-08-28, 10:26 p.m.

"I'm not unfaithful but I'll stray, when I get a little scared, when I get a little scared, when i get a little, when i took away from holding hands with you, i know these habits hurt important parts of you"

GOD I love these gals. At first, I was iffy. I was into about two of their songs, but I've been listening to their album "The Con" on repeat for like the past three days, and damn, it's quirky and beaty and the lyrics are poignant and fun to sing.

I'm working on finding graduate schools right now. There's Ball State in Indiana that looks promising. Me in Indiana. Shit, to tell the truth, I'm scared. Not of leaving, or going, but of ending up in some city that I'll hate. It's going to take me 5-7 years to finish my degree. That's 5-7 years in a city that I hate. What if it doesn't have a music scene like austin? What if the people aren't cool like austinites? What if it isn't diverse, and everyone's unicultural, you know?
I do need change
"But i promise you, i wont go my whole life, telling you I dont need" (Relief Next to Me, T&S)

but I'm afraid ya know? But there's no way around it.

What else. Today, I languished. I languished in my library and read. and now i'm picking grad schools. Shit i need to go back to doing that.

I'm going to try to be more regular about writing in here. The thing is, I just don't know what to write about! I could of course keep mumbling and making weird noises, but i'm sure no one would appreciate that. I would like, dear reader, for you to get to the end, and not feel like you just wasted 5 minutes of your life.
I need to pick a theme for my diary blogs from now on. I'll be the "Trying to Get Into Grad School" blog, interesting yeah? (no, it's not. don't pretend).

Alright, much love all my wonderful people. I need to go stick my fingers in my eyes and pull out my contacts.
