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21 years old
2007-06-18, 12:16 p.m.

I have just come of age, legal drinking age, age where you aren't getting cool old anymore, you're just getting old. I dont like old. I still dance around for no reason, sing at the top of my lungs for no reason, and not that this should completley cease with age, but it should kind of decrease in frequency. I'm not ready for that. I don't want to grow up *pouts and stamps feet* It's not like i drink anyways, and when i want to, it's not like it's hard to get alcohol. It's just a phone call, or a walk downstairs away.

*sigh* in anycse, i am 21, meaning i have to start being more serious, and that's cool in its own right.

well, peace and love.
i'm out
