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"I'm not sick but i'm not well" Harvey Danger
2007-06-10, 11:44 p.m.

Leno, I'm SO with you on paris hilton in the news. Finkelstein didn't get tenure, hugh rally in washinton today, SO MUCH GOING ON, I go to the news and EVEN BBC HAS A HEADLINE ABOUT PARIS FUCKING HILTON. THERE ARE PEOPLE DYING IN THIS WORLD!
And speaking of dying, we'd all be better of if the media would leave this story the fuck alone already.
(and i'm annoyed by people who are annoyed by caps . . . it's expressive, get over it. Think of it as a mental scream).

I'm so annoyed. I was reading an article talking about finkelstein not getting tenure at DePaul (fucking HATE that university, as do it's students now, and dershowtiz's an ass to the extreme, and it makes me sick to my stomach to think that academia acepts a biligerant asshole like that in its midst.)

and then i go to read the news and what do i find, paris hilton front and center. I am SICK of seeing her droppy eye all over the news and TV.
In other news, i downloaded "100 greatest rock songs of the 90's" today.
good stuff.

SO mad at the world as of now.
