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"One evening, as late as I rambled, on the banks of a clear pearly stream." Erins Green Shore
2010-01-24, 12:02 p.m.

Today's blog entry is dedicated to the celtic tradition-
A friend of mine recently passed along a Clannad version of Siuil a run, one of my favorite songs. I remember first hearing it as I was laying on the floor in front of the TV, falling asleep. That was back in the day when I would obsessively watch the PBS show, Mythquest (which I really need to buy. Amazing show). The show ended and they started this Celtic Woman concert. I began to fall asleep. I love celtic music, but only select bits of it. I hate the really cheesy shit. I like it fast paced and with a flit to the step. Anyways, I'm falling asleep, and the clip I embedded below starts to play and my hear just skips a beat, I jump up and just stare at the screen. It just completely enchanted me. One of those moments you just don't forget.
Now, as much as I enjoy Clannad, and as incredibly cheesy as I feel for saying this, the Celtic Woman version is still better. The last two songs on this list are some other old favorites (Erins Green Shore and Handsome Cabin Boy). I have never listened to these particular versions, but whatever. Life's an adventure. Enjoy!
