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Gaza Under Siege
2009-08-14, 12:04 p.m.

Some dedicated New Orleans Palestine Solidarity grp members traveled to Gaza this summer with Code Pink. Below is a documentary by some member of the delegation. Great video, fairly short, but powerful:


"In June, a delegation of seven New Orleans journalists and Human Rights activists traveled to Gaza.

During the delegation, filmmakers Lily Keber and Jordan Flaherty produced two short news videos about the current situation in Gaza.

Here is a link to the first piece.It's called Gaza Under Siege, and it's around eight minutes.


The video features a range of people in Gaza, from government leaders to the director of the UN Relief and Works Agency, to farmers and people living in devastated neighborhoods. It paints a powerful picture of the reality of life there right now.

Please check out this video, and pass along the link. If you like it, please consider registering for Current TV and voting for the video. It just takes a couple minutes, and if the video gets enough votes, it will be featured on television. And any votes help the video to get more exposure
