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I�m cleaning up this holy mess I made " Bethany Joy
2008-10-20, 9:57 p.m.

It is insanely crazy. EVERY time I sit down for a planned late night of pouring over books, some poor animal just happens to cross my path. IT IS GETTING RIDICULOUS. It's happening way too often to be coincidence too.
Fourth grade, it was a baby bird that fell outside my window while I was attempting to write a masterpiece on my piano. Of course I went and got it and attempted to mash a worm and feed it at 9 at night, but well, that didn't work so well.
Middle school it was my crazy cat that dumped her babies from the ceiling rafters of our garage onto the floor. High school my damn bird got away at like 2 in the morning as I'm writing journal entries for that large summer project we always got for AP english. I'm sitting there and my damn bird just fucking flies by my side window and of course I got and chase it down. It was successful but it took an hour and a half. College, junior year I sit down to write a paper that takes me four hours longer than I had anticipated. FOUR HOURS. I end up being harranged by kitten meowing in my chimney and of course go and rescue that at 3 in the morning and spend an hour trying to find out what the hell to do with it, and another hour fuming over the fact the SPCA emergency officer told me to bring it in in the morning and in the meantime but it in a blanket by a clock and give it tuna juice. TUNA JUICE. why don't they just come get it?

And today as I study for a test I realize I'm missing a book. I went to get said book from my car and this black dog comes up to me. Of course my first inclination is to run screaming. Dogs stink (literally, not metaphorically) and they bite and they can have weird diseases. Let me just take the time to say if this was a CAT it would find food on its own, probably never bother a human on her way to get a book from her car, and wouldn't have rabies. And if it was a cat, it would be ok for it to roam the streets because it would be smart enough to go back home or smart enough not to stay so far it couldn't get back home.

IN ANY CASE (need to get back to studying) the dog comes up to me, I run into my yard and close the door hoping those puppy eyes would just dissapear from my memory entirely. Of course I'm a huge sap, so I get inside, sit down on my desk, get right back up and go LOOKING for this dog. It was no longer in front of my door, so I go LOOKING for it. In my pajamas. In new orleans. In the middle of the night. They just caught a rapist a few blocks down from my house!

I find the dog, coerce it to come back home with me, feed it fake ham (apparently it's so well made even the dog can't tell the difference! That or it was just really hungry).

I get it in my backyard and call the owner, then they come get it. Problem solved.

Good deed done? Check
Studying done? Not so much
