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2008-03-25, 8:32 a.m.

Just a quick update. I know I've been posting like a mad woman.

Today I came to a realization. I have a really hard time truly hating anyone, no matter how hard they are to WORK with, because if I meet them outside of a work environment, and I don't have to share responsibility with them, I can get a long with pretty much anyone.

I wrote a pretty strong email the other day about a fellow PSCer, but I'm super hoping I'll get the chance to hang out with her, to kind of wash out the bad taste from my mouth, and just chillax with her as a person, not as the overbearning PSCer.
Ya know?

In anycase, I also wanted to report a news piece if all of you don't mind too much . . .

First I wanted to say a piece about Pakistan. I've been blessed in my life to know many people from that particular region of the world, and I always hear the same thing when I ask about politics in the region "don't ask."
It's super complicated because of it's harboring refugees from afghanistan, etc.
I do honestly believe that Pakistan has a key role to play in keeping harmony or at least agreebleness (if that's not a word, I just made it up) in that particular reason. 1) There are lots of people who belong to extremist factions living in that particular nation who are relatively subdued due to better economic situations comparatively of course. 2) Right now people are still upset about Bhutan (sp?) being killed, and are willing to be a bit quieter about extremist ideas, and hopefully more accepting of more liberal ones (this is a personal guess).

The U.S. must make ALLIES not enemies of Pakistan, in other words, they should treat Pakistan as equals as opposed to little children that must be tended to, which seems the general U.S. policy towards countries that don't like us.

I listened to a great interview on NPR, I'll try to find it and post for everyone to listen to. It really explained the group situation well.

And again, go ahead and read story tellers daughter by Saira Shaw. Great intro to the region!



It's something, but it's like giving someone a penny when they need $10,000.

And as always it's a decoy. Fo shizzle.
They always throw the bait, but while we're busy trying to use it as best we can, they go build more settlements, bomb more cities, arrest more "terrorists" and kill more civilians.
