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guitar pro
2007-07-23, 9:38 p.m.

I just downloaded this program, that lets me plug in tabs of whatever, and it AUTOMATICALLY translates it into music notes, and it's all typed out and pretty. Of course i rather write everything in my little falling apart notebook, but it's nice to have it computerized. I really like the program because it also lays out a fret board, and you can click on the fret board, and it tranlates it into a tab, then to notes, and you can add lyrics, and it plays it back in midi or REA format, and YAY! It's really cool.

And, I'm finding it excruciating that NO ONE i know has actually finished Harry Potter yet. For a world that claims to be so clearly obsessed, WHY ISN"T ANYONE READING THE BOOK!!
It's frustrating, because I've finished it twice already, and have no one to talk to about it. Boo.

alright, i'm out.
much love.
