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the room, the sun and the sky
2007-05-17, 9:30 p.m.

so two things have been bothering me latley. a) that so many people split things into good and bad,one side and another and b) i can't find a good love story without it being a horrible chick flick. Why won't people die for each other anymore??

ok, so let me elaborate. Starting with a)

i was talking to someone about ann ryand (sp?) vs. marx, probably not the best comparison, but basically the virtues of being selfish vs. the virtue of living purely for others. I'm not sure where i stand on the issue, and i'm starting to think both sides are incredibly wrong. I'm not one to take the middle stance to cower away from having to stay anything substantial, but besides the ultimate solution of go back to being cave people and we wouldn't have any problems, i might have to take a bit of a middle stance on this issue. I dont think either side is wrong, or right completley for that matter, nor do i want to label either side as "good" or "evil" because that factor is based on so many different things. Yet living in a two party country we get so used to splitting things up, and have basically plastered lines on every idea. You're either good or evil. The only variations on that are evil because of a bad childhood, or good because you're naive.

now for b)
wtf happened on Greys anatomy tonight?????????????????? How fucking long do we have to wait for derek and meredith to be happy, and for christina and burke to just fucking get married???

and it's not just them.
It's every show and it's mom. No one can just get together and be happy. I haven't seen anything since moulin rouge that has really made me feel like there is such a thing as undying love out there.
and i do believe it's there. i'm practical, but at heart i'm all about romeo and juliet and i want, no i need a really strong love story.
even the books im reading are all about breakups and god knows.

it's so SAD! My life is sad, i need some fucking happy damn it!
