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"What is it worth? I'll sell my soul, what is it worth?" Ash
2007-04-26, 10:33 p.m.

so bizzaarreee stuff this morning. I'll go through them quickly though, cause i have another paper to write.

I found an abandoned 3 week old kitten yesterday in my chimney, and frantically tried to take care of it. took it to the animal shelter today, poor thing needs proper attention and care. but i found it at like 2 in the morning.I hear this weird meowing sound, and pinpoint it to the wall next to the chimney. Apparently there's this whole in our wall outside that the kitten was left in. Probably it's mom laid her kittens there, then moved them, and this one got left behind.

then this morning i got screwed with my paper. I think i failed, but I'm hoping against hope that i did at least ok.I had a friend edit it for me this morning, in pen, then realize i have to retype all 12 pages because i don't have a digital copy. so that sucked ass.

then i get to class and i turn in my paper and realize we're supposed to do presentations today. I hadn't even started working on mine, but lucky me im not scheduled till next thursday!!!!!!

im really worried about my paper, because it was all so last minute, and i really need and MUST have an a in this class. I really hope I make an A. i'm so sad about the whole thing, i should've been more prepared. Of course I didn't ask for that kitten to come out of nowhere and meow for two hours straight and scare the shit out of me. it was a cute kitty though.

I think i might get a cat this summer.

alright, i have to shower then work on my paper then SLEEP. i'm going off of 2 hrs sleep right now. blah!

smoke myself into a haze in the afternoon�
Enveloped heart, and the air is cool�
Put on your dress, white Goddess�
And Settle in as the weather folds�
In the slow haze of the afternoon�
Swaying hips, made like a gun�
Blackest sails, the most beautiful�

In the world, in the air, on my tongue�
Before my eyes, beyond the stars, beneath the sun�

Take me in your arms again, lead me in my dreams again�
What is it worth?, I'll sell my soul, what is it worth?�
Only you know�

You were conceived in my heart, came like a dream�
To save me from my mortality�
Put on your dress, white Goddess�
And settle in as the weather folds�
Our lives will be entwined, even when I die�
You'll see me through 'till the end of time�
No earthly bride, the most beautiful�

In the world, in the air, on my tongue�
Before my eyes, beyond the stars, beneath the sun�

Take me in your arms again, lead me in my dreams again�
What is it worth?, I'll sell my soul, what is it worth?�
Only you know�

(Repeat last section after solo)�
