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"And if feels like, heavens so fary away, and it stings yeah, it stings now, the world is so cold" Offspring 'Gone Away'
2009-09-30, 10:18 p.m.

My internet has been on the fritz all day. It's so annoying. In NOLA apparently, the response to that would be "it is what it is." I actually just got back from a bday party where there was a 30 minute conversation about that phrase, 'it is what it is.'
I think I absolutely hate that phrase. Wtf does it mean, 'it is what it is.'

I can restart my internet. I can actually, you know, DO something about it. It just seems like such a fatalistic phrase. Now I can see situations where it would be appropriate, a sort of acknowledgment of acceptance of a situation - but isn't that also admitting a sort of helplessness, when 'it is what it is' is enough of an answer, instead of critically thinking about a situation (whether ultimately changeable or not). That and its a really annoying way to just end a conversation. It's kind of like "well, nothing I can do about it, move on."

Again, that sentiment can be completely and utterly true, there might be absolutely nothing you can do about it. Don't want to beat a dead horse, but it ALSO doesn't mean you don't need to process the situation - maybe some reanalyzing might illuminate some new solution.

I don't know. I just get irked. I rather some lame ass joke as a response than a nonchalant "it is what it is."

Oh New Orleans.
