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as we work through 2007
2007-01-01, 11:44 p.m.

we all have to believe that we have a purpose on this earth. Maybe it's because I read too much, because I'm prone to believe in the unbelievable for the fun of it, and that I always have hope that the impossible is possible, but I truly believe that each person has a role in this world, a purpose they may never realize they've had. each person on this planet will be able to contribute only themselves to the paths that intertwine in this world. No one person is repeated. Only you know the people you know in the way you know them, know the things you do, the way you know them, and see the things you see, the way you see them.
No one else can do that.
And maybe you think that's not important. Your contribution to this planet is nothing, it's not profound nor even sincere. Think back to all the great people alive now, that can't feel their impact on the world.
I can remember people from my childhood who have NO idea that they've touched me in anyway, cause me to be the person I am. The people who inspired Ghandi might never know they did.
And think about all the people dead, who would have never in their wildest dreams believed they would mean so much to the world. The bronte sisters had never so much as left their houses while they were alive. Anne Frank never wrote a diary to be published, marie curie (sp?) never knew that her dedication, her death would mean so much, rosalind franklin died NEVER knowing her contribution to science. For gods sake, if it wasn't for her we wouldn't know what DNA was MADE of right now, much less be able to manipulate it. its the irony of life.
Emily Dickenson has inspired so many yet in her lifetime was such a recluse. Her work wasn't published at all until after her death, and now every 6th grader knows the meaning of a frigate simply because one morning she woke up, and decided a book was much like a frigate.

never underestimate yourself. You have done things, ment things you will never credit yourself for, but all of our lives mean something, do something.
and you may or may not believe in a higher power, in a greater good, in a God, and that's fine. Maybe we do all rot and die one day.
If you don't believe in God, then you must believe in coincidence, and if not in coincidence, then in fate. There's no way around believing in one of those.
in which case, you are a spark for change in something or someone whether by coincidence or destiny. a spark for change only you are responsible for.

live your life like it's important, because whether or not you like it, it is.

and while i'm on this topic, i want to share some wisdom i've acquired over the years. You don't need recognition to make your life important. Society teaches us that in order to be important we must be recognized by the masses as important. What do the masses know? The masses in germany caused the death of over 6 million jews, disabled people and other minorities in wwII. The masses are easily controlled like those in North Korea, the masses are quiet in a country that stands for the worlds democracy through TWO illegal elections.

The masses are screwed in the head. They can't measure the importance of one person. And really, there is no way to measure the importance of a person. We are all so different and our contributions on this earth are each unique. Can't compare apples and oranges. But they're all needed.

I want to share something I learned in genetics, at the risk of getting boring.

Landscape genetics is a way of charting evolution.
You see, evolution is near sighted. It may take a species to a certain degree of fitness, but it's not necissarily the BEST. Why aren't chimps humans? Why do we still have primitive life forms?

Imagine there is a valley, and on either side of the valley there are two mountains. Each mountain is of a different height. One is taller than the other.
Evolution may take a species to the top of one of these "mountains" but not necessarily the tallest.

Something has to happen to take a species off the shorter mountain, throw it into the bowels of the valley through some kind of insane disaster (like a storm, or plague) in order for the species to be realligned. Once evolution works to overcome the tragedy the species now has a chance to move to the taller mountain. Even then, something may happen to move it into the valley again, and then evolution will overcome and take it to an even taller mountain.

moral of the story??

your impact in this world may not be as visible as mother teresa, but we are nearsighted. Our contributions allow for change in something or someone, that will alter it's path, and take it somewhere it might not have gone before.

maybe to a smaller mountain, maybe to a larger mountain. we'll never know.
but our contribution will evoke change, and through constant change, the best path will be found.

the way of the world is entropy for a reason.
even the neat ordering of growth, or life, causes entropy in the universe.

i may be horribly wrong. I won't deny that, but this is how I live my life. No regrets, never do anything that I can't completley back myself in , and always stand ready to admit I am wrong if I do something stupid, and not to torment myself about it, but learn from my mistakes.

I hope to lead myself this way through 2007 and navigate through one more year of my life.

I wish ALL of you the best in 2007. Remember to learn from the good times and the bad times in 2006. They're experiences that will shape the rest of your life. And no matter how bad they may seem, or even how unimportant they may seem, remember there are things that are hidden from your view, and that we all have a purpose.

best wishes everyone.
